Umpire Junior Valentine Hit By Throw In Rare Mishap: 'Don't Think I've Ever Seen This Before'

The ump hit the dirt during the Cardinals-Mets game.

Umpire Junior Valentine became the victim of a rare baseball accident on Monday ― and he has the bruise on his face to prove it.

St. Louis Cardinals shortstop Edmundo Sosa threw wild to first base against the New York Mets ― really wild. The ball drilled Valentine in the cheek, immediately dropping the first base umpire to the dirt.

Sosa can be seen grimacing as Valentine tries to regain his senses.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before,” one viewer tweeted (above). Another chimed in with a similar sentiment.

After a 10-minute delay, Valentine stayed in the game, Sports Illustrated reported.

But he must have been hurting the next morning. Check out the bruise developing.

Mike Stobe via Getty Images

The Cardinals won 7-0.

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