VIDEO: SoundCloud has Advertising Audio Play

VIDEO: SoundCloud has Advertising Audio Play
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LONDON - SoundCloud, the Berlin-based sound sharing site, sees 10 hours of audio uploaded by users every minute, says Eric Wahlforss, Founder and CTO. "It's very much like YouTube or Instagram," says Wahlforss. "On Instagram you share a photo, on YouTube you share video, on SoundCloud you share audio."

Beet.TV spoke with Wahlforss in this video interview at the FT Digital Media Conference in London.

At SXSW 2013, Wahlforss announced the initiative of pro partner profiles. These profiles allows brands to have campaigns and represent themselves on the SoundCloud platform with audio. The platform also includes a visual aspect for brands.

"We have this component we call moving sounds which allows the brands to sort of augment the audio they upload with a series of imagery," says Wahlforss. "The audio is still the main medium, but we can sort of augment with a kind of ambiance of visuals."

Currently, SoundCloud is using a promoted content advertising model like that in use by companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.