War Kills Children-I am Licensed to Write About That

He was a reservist in the 320th Military Police and spent a full year in Iraq which included six months in Nasiriyah and an equal amount of time in Abu Ghraib prison. He became a Conscientious Objector. His superiors took away his bulletproof vest and ceramic back protection and in many other ways made it clear that they did not like him one bit.
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Sunday morning, my wife, her brother Joel and I ate brunch at an Office of the Americas event honoring Ron Kovic and Aiden Delgado.

This is certainly not a medical blog, but I feel very comfortable writing an anti-war note or two because this war is costing the lives and health of thousands of children. I spend my life trying to protect children from disease and trying to promote good health. This war does the opposite: It will adversely affect America’s ability to educate and give health care to children for years and years to come.

Ron Kovic is a “Born on the Fourth of July” major hero in the hearts of millions of Americans who have read about him or seen Tom Cruise’s fine movie about Mr. Kovic. (Perhaps I will try to include Mr. Cruise in all of my writings.) He became an articulate forceful spokesman for the those in and out of the military who understood the horror of the Viet Nam War.

Aiden Delgado spoke at this morning’s brunch which was attended by a couple hundred people of all ages.

He was a reservist in the 320th Military Police and spent a full year in Iraq which included six months in Nasiriyah and an equal amount of time in Abu Ghraib prison. He became a Conscientious Objector. His superiors took away his bulletproof vest and ceramic back protection and in many other ways made it clear that they did not like him one bit. His observations of brutality and routine prisoner and civilian abuse are worth our thoughts.

Mr. Delgado is only 23 years old and soon will share Mr. Kovic’s mantle. He plans to lead a large march across the country to Washington D.C. Support him when you get a chance and join Office of the America’s, too.

We can save the lives of America’s teens and the lives of a million of the world’s children and teens if we can stop this war.