WATCH: Sandra Steingraber on Going Behind Bars to Protest Fracking

WATCH: Sandra Steingraber on Going Behind Bars to Protest Fracking
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In the clip below, biologist and activist Sandra Steingraber explains why she and others illegally blocked the driveway of natural gas company Inergy in upstate New York , a crime for which she went to jail on Wednesday, April 17 -- a day after her interview with me for Moyers & Company. The protesters, known as the Seneca Lake 12, were demonstrating against fracking and Inergy's plans to store millions of barrels of highly-pressurized gas in abandoned salt mines. Steingraber is serving a 15-day sentence.

"I believe, as do many of my colleagues in the sciences, that it's not safe to compress explosive gases and store them underneath and beside a lake that serves as the drinking water for a hundred thousand people," she says. "From my point of view as a biologist and a mother, this out-of-state company... is trespassing in our community."



Watch video coverage from the day of Steingraber's sentencing and of the night she left her family to go to jail, courtesy of Common Dreams.


Catch our full conversation this weekend on Moyers & Company. Watch a preview.

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