Wolf Blitzer And Kermit The Frog: The Ultimate News Team (VIDEO)

Wolf Blitzer And Kermit: The Greatest News Team In History

Wolf and Frog. Kermit Blitzer. Wolf Kermster. Kolf Blitzit. Kermit and the Wolf.

These are just some of the names we came up with when we witnessed the most sensational cable news team in modern history: Wolf Blitzer and Kermit the Frog.

Seriously, the gravitas, rigor and journalistic passion emanating from these two was jaw-dropping. From Kermit's insistence that he watched "The Situation Room" every day, to the fact that Wolf actually shook the famous amphibians hand and then called him a "fine man," there was nothing we did not find incredible here.

The most extraordinary, earth-shattering moments? When Kermit the Frog got Wolf Blitzer — the man who stayed stony-faced even as he was being taught how to Dougie at an awards show — to smile. And laugh. On two separate occasions. It's the most shocking laugh since Greta Garbo's in "Ninotchka."

Watch one unprecedented Wolf Grin in the video above, and one unprecedented Wolf Laugh in the video below.

Below, see some of Wolf's amazing expressions in his interview with Kermit.

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