10 Ways To Revamp Your PR Strategy

10 Ways To Revamp Your PR Strategy
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One aspect of your company that you have to take into account is PR. You could just hire a public relations company to do the job for you, but that's costly and there's no reason why you can't take on some of the responsibilities by yourself. And even with professional help you still need a solid PR strategy.

This guide is going to show you 10 of the ways in which you can completely revamp your PR strategy. It's easier than you think.

Personalize Your Messages

Nobody likes it when they're just one more person in a mass email marketing campaign. It may be time-consuming, but try writing some personalized messages. If you want to speed this process up, just change a few sentences and use the person's name. That's enough to make things seem personalized, while at the same time making things easier on you.

Keep Things Simple

Influencing public opinion or pitching to a media company can be seen as a complex venture. The reality is that keeping things simple and just getting to the point is a far more effective strategy. Keeping things simple will enable people to see who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to accomplish.

Know Your Target Audience

Most email pitches and most communications get deleted immediately because they have nothing to do with your target audience. Know who you are communicating with at all times. If you don't know your target audience, you're going to have problems reaching them.

Follow-Up Right

If you haven't received a response from someone regarding your PR campaign, follow-up with them to make sure that they got the message. But do it politely to make sure that you come off with a positive reputation and without burning any bridges.

Try to leave a few weeks between your follow-up and the original communication. Keep in mind that a lot of people just have incredibly full email inboxes.

Write About What's Relevant

It's amazing how many release a press release about things that aren't relevant. Just because you made a sale today doesn't make it worthy of a press release. Don't think about what's timely think about what's relevant to your target audience. That's the only way that you're going to make sure people want to read what you're putting out.

Writing about what's relevant means finding out what your clients want from the very start.

Ask Your Customers What They Want

So many CEOs spend ages agonizing over what their target audience is going to like. But all they had to do was ask. It's amazing how many companies fail to do this. Customers love it when companies value their opinions. You don't have to give them anything in return. Just ask them what they think about something.

Stick to the Facts

Do you know why certain parts of the PR industry have a bad reputation?

It all comes back to the fact that so much PR is nothing but hot air. It may mean that your press releases are shorter, but just stick to the facts. Don't overdo it, otherwise you're going to find yourself in a situation where people are rolling their eyes whenever they see a new release from you.

Expand Your Distribution

Sometimes your PR strategy is stalling because you're no longer reaching new people. To improve this, change the way you distribute. Start focusing on another social media platform, or take a look at how you can expand into traditional media circles.

It may mean some added costs on your part, but changing your distribution can do a lot to improve your reach.

Look at the Money

Money does matter in the world of PR, and it's surprising that 56% of marketers don't use it. You can be spending a lot of money on various media options, but when you look at the amount of money you're bringing in you realize that you haven't actually accomplished much of anything. On the contrary, you have done next to nothing.

Make sure that you are reviewing how much money you're actually making.

Try Traditional Channels

Your PR strategy can be improved by going back to the past. Take a look at more traditional PR options, such as billboard advertising, radio slots, and TV commercials. They may not be as effective as they used to be, but you certainly shouldn't think about discounting them immediately.

What do you think is the best way to improve your PR strategy?