6 Essential Sunday Night Routines of Successful Entrepreneurs

6 Essential Sunday Night Routines of Successful Entrepreneurs
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Before the start of any busy work week, make sure you're motivated and prepared for the challenges ahead with these six effective routines.

A. Close Every Program and Restart Every Device

Someone once asked me why their laptop was so slow, only to find they had over 100 tabs open on their web browser, along with Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Many professionals don't restart their computers and phones as often as they should, especially Macs. There is nothing more annoying than a mandatory restart when you're in a hurry -- or worse -- while you're presenting. Get these things out of the way. - Ben Gamble, Quincus

A. Get Organized and Inspired

I use Sunday to review my schedule, set up any necessary meetings, create a "must-do" list for the week and respond to all emails. This keeps me focused and minimizes stress. I also watch motivational clips online or dance in my kitchen to some upbeat and fun music. Getting organized and inspired sets the stage so I can hustle with enthusiasm during the week! - Amy Pazahanick, Agape Ventures

A. Spend Time With Family

It's important to connect with your loved ones, so I try my best not to do any work until my twins fall asleep. I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids, and I intentionally try to not think about work until late Sunday night. The upcoming week may get hectic, so take this breather to spend quality time with the people who are most important to you. Once everyone is in bed, I simply spend an hour prioritizing tasks for Monday. - John Arroyo, Arroyo Labs, Inc.

A. Rest and Reboot

Taking time to rest and reboot both myself and my electronics is a Sunday night necessity for me. This way, I can complete all the tasks I set out for in the coming week at AlignedSigns.com. I turn off my computer and phone, have a healthy meal, wind down and get to bed early. This allows me to start fresh and energized for the week, having given my mind, body and devices a break. - Jessica Baker, Aligned Signs

A. Clean Your Desk

A cluttered space invariably leads to a cluttered mind. Take care of your mental, physical and digital space and live in the present moment. Sunday night is purely for reducing your realm of concern to creating a peaceful space for yourself and your family. - O. Liam Wright, True Interaction

A. Sync With Your Partner

Every Sunday, my husband and I calibrate the week ahead to ensure we're both on the same page. We use Sunday to figure out how we can support one another during the upcoming week. - Arry Yu, GiftStarter (Emotiv Labs, Inc.)

These answers are provided by members of FounderSociety, an invitation-only organization comprised of ambitious startup founders and business owners.