10 Body Language Mistakes That Could Cost You The Job: Forbes

What NOT To Do During An Interview

Your perfectly manicured résumé, flawless cover letter and brilliant responses to tough interview questions might make you a strong job candidate—but forget to smile, slouch in your chair or fail to make eye contact during the interview, and you could be out of the running. Here are 10 interview body language mistakes that could cost you a job offer.

Before You Go

10 Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost You The Job
Weak handshake.(01 of05)
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Before you shake hands, rise, walk up to the hiring manager with confidence, make eye contact and smile. “Make sure your handshake is firm, but don't crush the hiring manager's hand,” says body language expert and author Patti Wood. "The secret to a great handshake is palm-to-palm contact. Slide your hand down into the web of theirs and make palm-to-palm contact. Lock thumbs with the hiring manager, and apply as much pressure as he or she does.” But remember that the appropriate amount of pressure varies from culture to culture. (credit:Forbes)
Invading personal space.(02 of05)
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Be respectful of the hiring manager’s personal space. Don’t stand too close and certainly don't hug them. (credit:Forbes)
Crossing your arms.(03 of05)
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That can make you look defensive or uncomfortable. Instead, gesture with your hands. That way you'll appear more enthusiastic and engaging. (credit:Forbes)
Playing with your hair.(04 of05)
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“It’s a stress comfort cue that can make you look childish,” Wood says. You don’t want to distract the hiring manager with this body language gaffe. (credit:Forbes)
Bad posture.(05 of05)
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Sit up straight. “Asymmetrical body language can make you look confused or dishonest,” Wood says.For the rest of the top 10 body language mistakes, click over to Forbes. (credit:Forbes)