Friday's Morning Email: Hackers Reportedly Target U.S. Nuclear Plants

In an attempt to disrupt the power grid.
Carlo Allegri / Reuters


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HACKERS REPORTEDLY TARGET U.S. NUCLEAR PLANTS In an attempt to affect the power grid. [HuffPost] [Tweet | Share on Facebook]

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP MEETS WITH RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN TODAY Here’s what to expect. Trump kicked off the day with a series of angry tweets about the media. Pete Souza, the White House photographer under former President Barack Obama, trolled Putinwith The Who lyrics in honor of the meeting. And Howard Fineman writes that the bad news from Hamburg involves a power vacuum of global leadership. [HuffPost]

TAKE A LOOK AT A VISUAL GUIDE TO NORTH KOREA’S MISSILE TEST And its range. Here’s how tiny satellites that were the brainchild of Silicon Valley could help track North Korea’s missile activity, as well as thedeadly nature of the country’s poisonous toxins arsenal. [HuffPost]

ETHICS CHIEF WHO FACED OFF WITH TRUMP ANNOUNCED RESIGNATION Director of the Office of Government Ethics Walter Shaub Jr. told CBS News on his way out that Trump’s businesses “present the ‘appearance’ of profiting from his tenure in the White House.” [HuffPost]

SOURCES REPORT CONCERN OVER TRUMP CNN RETALIATION “There’s growing concern that Trump’s war with CNN could escalate beyond insults and Twitter posts, with sources close to the president musing about opening a new front aimed at CNN’s parent company, Time Warner ― and Trump himself speculating about CNN President Jeff Zucker losing his job in a shake-up.” [HuffPost]

FLOODS IN JAPAN FORCE 80,000 FROM HOMES And kill at least six. [Reuters]

U.S. JUDGE REJECTS HAWAII’S BID Leaving the travel ban in place. [Reuters]


CONGRATS TO PATTON OSWALT AND MEREDITH SALENGER ON THEIR ENGAGEMENT The comedian and actress couldn’t look any happier. [HuffPost]

YOUR INSOMNIA COULD LEAD TO ALZHEIMER’S In case you didn’t need another reason to prioritize getting those zzz’s. [HuffPost]

CHARTING HOW E-COMMERCE IS CHANGING THE RETAIL JOB GAME There is quite the shift to urban areas. [NYT]

ARE TV NETWORKS FUDGING THE NUMBERS? “For years, major networks have quietly used a trick called ‘retitling’ when trying to keep their ratings on a level playing field with competitors.” [HuffPost]

PRINCE HARRY AND YOUR MOM APPARENTLY CAN AGREE ON THIS That we all spend too much time on our phones. [Vanity Fair]

MAYBE WE SHOULD ASK FOR A WEDDING DATE ON TWITTER As that’s how this woman found her husband. [HuffPost]


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