'Guerilla Gardening' Protest: Marijuana Plants Pop Up In Germany After Seeds Planted By 'A Few Autonomous Flower Children'

LOOK: 'Guerilla Gardeners' Plant Pot Seeds To Protest Germany's Drug Laws

Some stealthy stoners have taken to innovative methods to protest Germany's drug laws.

Der Spiegel reports that over the weekend, marijuana plants started popping up throughout the town of Göttingen. A pro-drug reform group called 'A Few Autonomous Flower Children' has taken credit for planting thousands of pot seeds back in June in defiance of what they call the country's "demonization of cannabis."

"We can't set eyes on this useful and beautiful plant because it's absolutely forbidden in Germany to grow it," the group wrote in a letter, Der Spiegel adds.

According to United Press International, the group has found support from the Green Youth, the youth movement of Germany's Green Party, which has posted photos of the sprouting plants on its website while calling for readers to "enjoy with deep relaxation the majestic beauty of this magnificent plant!"

Local police told UPI that they are using the photos to locate and destroy the buds and will pursue the suspected planters on narcotics charges. Seventy plants have been destroyed thus far.

Marijuana decriminalization and legalization have been hot topics throughout Germany and much of the western world in recent years. Support for relaxing drug laws has gained steam as pro-reform advocates argue pot should be classified as like alcohol and tobacco, while pointing to the negative consequences of criminalization. Last year, a poll found that 152,000 Germans favor legalization.

It is currently illegal in Germany to carry and consume the drug, though possession of small amounts doesn't carry criminal consequences. That limit, however, varies between cities, leading to recent calls for the standardization of the nation's drug laws.