I Wonder What the Future Has in Store for Us

After all, imagination and creativity can change the world. Edward de Bono gave a lecture to my class two years ago and warned us that the only problem with the world was that we stopped thinking and were looking for answers only via search engines.
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Have we changed a bit? I wondered after going through last year's Google Zeitgeist. Are Selena Gomez and One Direction going to be among our top searches for images? Would Gagnam Style still make it as a top watched video?

Nearing the year's end makes me think a lot. Are we getting any better at focusing on issues or becoming focused by all means? The trends will simply underline the hypothesis that habits are hard to change. Would Google autocomplete still predict the following search queries to complete the sentences starting with "You are" and bring the following recommendations of "You are my sunshine, "You are not alone" and "You are so beautiful" as top hits?

After all, imagination and creativity can change the world. Edward de Bono gave a lecture to my class two years ago and warned us that the only problem with the world was that we stopped thinking and were looking for answers only via search engines. So, the challenge is on to prove him wrong and start using our brain engines for searching and finding the right answers alone.

When you look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs and compare those needs with the most searched attributes, you will be surprised that searching for love will beat most of it.

But what are we really searching for when we are searching for answers? Or even better why do we believe that answers by others for our searches will help us get closer to the real answers we are looking for? Curiosity would be one way to put it. However, are we fully aware of the power of curiosity? Can we really quench our thirst for discoveries? I am sure many of you know the answer already or know the way, how to Google it.

If creativity and imagination can really change the world, can we change our habits to become more creative and imaginative?

Just think about it!