LGBT Health Roundup: February 28, 2014

Your Weekly LGBT Health Roundup

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership with bloggers Liz Margolies and Scout, brings you a round up of some of the biggest LGBT wellness stories from the past seven days. For more LGBT Wellness, visit our page dedicated to the topic here.

After Arizona: 5 Other States Considering Anti-Gay Laws
Pool via Getty Images
Like flu in winter, the Republicans are cloning legislation across several states that would allow business owners to refuse service to LGBT patrons. These stories may not look like they’re about health but researchers have found that the number of LGBT mental health issues spikes after LGBT hostile bills pass. We suspect they spike even after hostile bills come close to passing.
How the VA is leading the way on LGBT patient care
Shutterstock / haveseen
Surprising to many, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), a branch of the Department of Veterans Affairs, is at the vanguard of providing inclusive patient care for LGBT veterans and their families.
SAMHSA guide offers practitioners resources to help families support their LGBT children
Getty Images/Blend Images
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) has created a resource guide to help health care and social service providers better support families whose children are coming out or identify as LGBT.
State-level tobacco environments and sexual orientation disparities in tobacco use and dependence in the USA
Getty Images
A new study found that lesbian, gay and bisexual adults were more likely to smoke in states that had more permissive smoking laws. In other words, restricting the use of tobacco is an effective way to reduce the tobacco use of LGBT people.
Gay conversion therapy bills
Shutterstock / Alexander Raths
Despite bans in multiple states and lack of support by medical associations, bills opposing gay conversion therapy are not yet passed in Washington state and Illinois. In New Jersey, orthodox therapists are fighting the ban that is already in place.
DC is one of the leading US cities on transgender health care
Shutterstock / Alexander Raths
On Thursday, Mayor Vincent Gray of DC announced new standards for transgender health coverage in the state that will make it the most comprehensive in the country.
Study Reveals LGBT Youths Face Greater Cancer Risks
Shutterstock / Li Wa
This is the first study that looks at cancer risks in LGBT youth and the news is not good. The behaviors that increase our cancer risks start very young.