Madoff Victims Statements: READ The Entire Document

Madoff Victims Statements: READ The Entire Document
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141 pages of misery. Today, New York City prosecutors filed a collection of statements from victims of Bernie Madoff that will make your head spin.

Contained in the documents are tales of hard-earned life savings, lives ruined and, not surprisingly, a tremendous amount of anger towards Madoff and the U.S. government.

One victim wrote:

"We have nothing. Only living off social security. I told my father, 89, he could not die because we didn't have enough money to bury him. That is what we were reduced to after Madoff lived so well off of our money."

Other victims described relatively middle-class backgrounds that were far removed from Madoff's free-spending, lavish lifestyle:

"For 30 years, I worked as a Forrester for the city of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department. I retired a year ago thinking I had a nice next egg to live off before all this tragedy happened. ...Now I find that I don't have any money to send my daughter to college after planning and setting aside money so early on."

Another investor continued:

"Madoff victims have been portrayed in the media as wealthy and privileged individuals. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many mad victims are elderly individuals or retirees who were saving for the future and the misfortune to believe in a powerful Wall Street insider who was repeatedly investigated and given a clean bill of health by a government watch dog agency named the SEC."

Some of the responses are much more abrupt:

"I am 86, I have a broken knee, I have lung cancer and thanks to Madoff, I am now bankrupt."

READ the entire document:

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