Nancy Jenkins, MTA Bus Driver, Alleges Supervisor Licked Her On The Face

MTA Bus Driver Claiming Supervisor Licked Her Face
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MTA bus driver Nancy Jenkins is claiming her supervisor licked her on the face at the Kingsbridge Depot in the Bronx.

The Daily News reports on the alleged April incident, which has caught the attention of transit workers union members who are demanding the MTA fire the supervisor for sexual harassment.

Earlier in June, Senator Adriano Espaillat publicly exhorted MTA Chief Joseph Lhota to officially reprimand the supervisor by firing him, instead of simply reassigning him to a different post.

Speaking with members of the union, Espaillat said, "A month and a half after a woman was harassed at this MTA bus depot, there has been no resolution. This is unacceptable, not just because of this particular case, but because it sends the wrong message to women."

Jenkins now says that the whole episode has prevented her from going back to work because she's too embarrassed now that "she's gone public." After using up 23 sick days (23 sick days??), she then applied to receive workers' compensation. The MTA objected and Jenkins remains off-duty.

In March, a female MTA worker was arrested and charged with attacking a woman after the two engaged in heated words.

Police say the worker repeatedly punched the victim in the face, picked her up, and threw her against a door in a subway station in the Bronx.