Smoke Shops Want To Become Dispensaries In Chicago On Heels Of Medical Weed Legalization

Will Smoke Shops Join The Weed Dispensary Game?
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The state may still be months away from actually allowing the sale of marijuana, but local smoke shop owners are already thinking about the next step — getting in the dispensary business.

Some family-owned smoke shops are planning to apply for one of the 60 medical marijuana dispensary licenses that the state will dole out as part of a pilot program, meaning they could sell weed and a pipe to smoke it in.

The legalization law is limited right now, with only patients with select illnesses qualifying for marijuana. But eventually, attitudes and laws will change, and business could skyrocket as weed becomes more mainstream, some Lakeview head shop employees said.

"How could it not?" said Jasper Jones, an employee at Smoke Shop, 3248 N. Clark St. "People will start coming out of the woodwork to smoke."