Strapped Students Get A Chance To See Broadway Firsthand

Strapped Students Get A Chance To See Broadway Firsthand
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New York and New Jersey students in arts-poor schools are getting the theatrical chance of a lifetime thanks to a dedicated English teacher and some arts enthusiasts, Tonic reports.

Inspire Change, an educational program initially funded by authors and producers for Memphis, allows students a chance to get up-close and personal with the stars of the show, and its subject matter, which includes civil rights and music. According to Broadway World, students from arts-poor schools first experience a unique pre-show workshop led by a Memphis cast member and teaching artists, followed by tickets and round-trip transportation to the show as well as a post-show discussion with the Memphis actors.

More than 1,000 students have seen "Memphis" thanks to the program. Learn more about the "Inspire Change" program and the teacher who inspired it at