The Future Starts <i>Now</i>!

The Future Starts!
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In my world at KaBOOM!, it starts
with a playground.  In the non-profit and philanthropic world, the future starts

As part of the non-profit sector, we
all take note of the newest trends and activities of the sector to work together
for a common cause.  Educating and informing new leaders that are climbing the
ranks of the community is important to sustain a competitive playing field where
we are led by the best and the brightest.  As the economic downturn has
continued to touch more and more organizations, the sector has united to address
common challenges. 

That is what intrigues me by Independent Sector’s new
initiative, FutureLab: An Online
Challenge for the Nonprofit Community to Chart a Vibrant

FutureLab is a national
conversation to analyze both the challenges and possibilities that will affect
the non-profit and foundation community for years to come and, most importantly,
to develop strategies that will shape our future, now.  

It has been designed to help the
sector build a brighter future by providing a forum to share big ideas and
identify common goals that will strengthen organizations and expand individual
and combined impact.   Anyone can join - you don’t have to be an IS
to comment on the ideas that have already been presented
or share their own ideas and get feedback from peers while contributing to the
sector’s collective thinking.  

Log on and take a look.  If you find
it as intriguing as I do, post it on your blog.  As the sector shares more and
more ideas toward solving common problems, it can only help non-profits see a
brighter future where they can improve the lives of more

To get started, go to: 

See you out on the