The Power Of Positive Inspiration

5 Fast Ways To Get Inspired
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There are so many decisions we have to make that we often need inspiration and motivation to keep us going. If you are having trouble finding something that keeps you running (besides your double shot espresso), here are a few resources that keep me running – and hopefully will give you inspiration for every aspect of your life.

Inspiration To Go To The Gym: Just looking at a treadmill or elliptical makes me want to lay on my couch and eat a bag of sea salt and vinegar chips. For inspiration to get to the gym, find a playlist to download on your iPod that will really get you pumped. I like to get my playlists from friends on Spotify by connecting it with my Facebook. HINT: Get a friend with a premium account to invite you!

My Current Obsessions include:

  • "Dancing With The DJ (Chiddy Bang Remix)" by The Knocks
  • "Crank It Up (feat. Akon)" by David Guetta
  • "Call Your Girlfriend" by Robyn
  • "Lights-Bassnectar Remix" by Ellie Goulding

Inspiration to Go To Class: I know getting out of bed to go to class can really suck. On days that I don’t want to go to class, I read a story about a successful person who has worked hard and now gets to enjoy what they do for a living (even if that’s just being themselves). Check out the “Focus On” series from Dormify for inspiring stories on people who have made it big.

Most Inspiring from Sasha Adler interview:

SH: You mentioned that you wanted to work in the fashion industry once you graduated from the University of Michigan and you were offered your choice of a job at a high fashion magazine or at a French wedding magazine. What made you go with the wedding magazine?

Sasha: I had a really great mentor at the time who gave me some great advice. She said that the fashion magazine sounded more glamorous, but I should really take advantage of the hands-on experience I could get from working at the smaller publication. I am so happy I listened to her. I ended up getting to style photo shoots, write articles and determine a lot of the editorial content. It was a phenomenal learning experience.

Read the rest of the story at!