Week to Week News Quiz for 11/13/15

Week to Week News Quiz for 11/13/15
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Take a break from watching the sparks fly between the presidential candidates and try your hand at our latest Week to Week news quiz.

Here are some random but real hints: no springtime for him; he invited the audience to try to stab him; Hillary and Bernie and Martin back in the ring; and maybe he was trying interspecies communication. Answers are below the quiz.

1. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi's party won a landmark majority in the parliament of what country this week?
a. South Korea
b. Taiwan
c. Indonesia
d. Myanmar

2. GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush said "Hell, yeah, I would" kill whom?
a. Osama bin Laden
b. John Maynard Keynes
c. Baby Adolf Hitler
d. Saddam Hussein

3. GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said he opposed abortion, including of whom?
a. Communists
b. Magician Quentin Coldwater
c. Baby Adolf Hitler
d. Democrats

4. Russian state television "accidentally" aired secret plans for what?
a. President Vladimir Putin to stay in office indefinitely
b. The elimination of all non-state-controlled media in that country
c. Long-range nuclear torpedoes
d. Invading Poland and Germany in the event of a conflict with NATO

5. What was Donald Trump talking about when he told an Iowa audience "How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?"?
a. Iowa hog futures
b. Dr. Ben Carson's stories about his youth
c. Hillary Clinton's immigration proposals
d. Pope Francis' calls for environmental protection

6. A Utah judge reversed his own order to do what?
a. Secede from the union
b. Remove a baby from her foster parents because they were lesbians
c. Force the federal government to deport every undocumented immigrant in the state
d. Ban state workers from using Apple or Google products and services until those companies reverse policies he calls "homosexual-friendly"

7. Whom did the United States target in an airstrike in Syria this week?
a. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
b. An Islamic State extremist known as Jihadi John
c. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
d. Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

8. What happens in Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday night?
a. It's the second Democratic primary debate
b. The quadrennial Hogs and Harvest Dinner for presidential candidates
c. The first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses
d. Billionaire Sheldon Adelson's Conservative Candidate Conference

9. Why did a police officer pull over one of Google's self-driving cars in Mountain View, California on Thursday?
a. It was a prank paid for by Apple executives
b. The car was driving too fast
c. The car was driving under the speed limit
d. The car had driven straight through a Burger King, injuring two teenagers and causing $20,000 in damage to the restaurant

10. What recently got a smuggler in trouble in Saudi Arabia?
a. He brought into the country 48,000 cans of Heineken beer disguised as Pepsi cans
b. He sold copies of the Bhagavad Gita from the back of his postal truck
c. He was selling Iranian government surplus weaponry
d. He wasn't able to make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs

BONUS. What could cost Oakland Raiders linebacker Ray-Ray Armstrong up to seven years in prison?
a. He sent $50,000 to a Hamas-linked charity
b. He was arrested for a domestic violence incident
c. He barked at a police dog
d. He punched the defensive coordinator during an argument

1. d.
2. c.
3. c.
4. c.
5. b.
6. b.
7. b.
8. a.
9. c.
10. a.

Want the live news quiz experience? Join us Monday, November 30 in downtown San Francisco for our next live (and lively) Week to Week political roundtable with a news quiz and a social hour at The Commonwealth Club of California. Panelists will include Hoover's Carson Bruno, Politico's Carla Marinucci, and USF's Dr. James Taylor.

Explanations of the hints: no springtime for him: baby Hitler was the rhetorical punching bag -- forgive the term -- for both Trump and Carson; he invited the audience to try to stab him: Trump was mocking Carson's claims about having tried to stab a classmate in his youth; Hillary and Bernie and Martin back in the ring: it's the second big Democratic primary debate; and maybe he was trying interspecies communication: his barking at the dog was deemed to be threatening behavior by the police.