Whoopi Goldberg: Banning Gays From St. Patrick's Day Parade Is 'Crazy!'

Whoopi Goldberg Criticizes St. Patrick's Day Parade Organizers

Whoopi Goldberg made it clear on Monday just how ridiculous she thought the opposition to gay participants in St. Patrick's Day events is.

The ban drew more attention over the weekend as Guinness withdrew its sponsorship of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade over the event's controversial stance on gays. It joined Heineken and Boston Beers, who also dropped sponsorship of St. Patrick's Day events over LGBT rights.

On Monday's "The View," Barbara Walters said that the decision was controversial because it involved people's "sexuality." That's when Goldberg explained why that shouldn't be an issue.

"[Gay marchers are] not having sex as they walk, it's crazy!" Goldberg said in response. "You know it's not like the Halloween parade where sometimes it's a little risqué. This is the LGBT community!"

She pointed out that parades for numerous other events, including the Puerto Rican Day, West Indian Day and the Lunar New Year, have all allowed gay participants. Goldberg added that openly gay participants would have been marching to display Irish pride like other marchers on Monday.

Watch Goldberg's comments in the clip above.