CNN Sells 'Juggling Balls' T-Shirt

CNN Sells 'Juggling Balls' T-Shirt
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Yesterday, I posted on how CNN was making good use of the Inauguration to sell their innovative headline T-shirts, in the hopes that it will raise enough money to open more "CNN Grills" and also maybe have a "cable news division." As a followup, Matt from notes that CNN, given the chance to get the words "Obamas," "balls," and "juggling" in a headline, did not pass on the opportunity. And similarly, they didn't pass on the opportunity to transform their ribaldry into a T-shirt.

They've since taken this down, but no memory hole is big enough to hide the little icon at the end of the headline. At some point this evening, you could have purchased a t-shirt directly from CNN that referenced First Family ball juggling. And it's bloggers who are coarse and crude...

Ahh, but you still can purchase this very t-shirt! Send one to your favorite coarse blogger!

At this point, it's worth pointing out that when CNN launched this feature, way back when, one could conjure up one's own headline simply by changing the URL. A nation of cable news fans looked forward to having CNN branded garments that simply read, "Balls balls balls balls sexytime Lou Dobbs!" Sadly, CNN put the kibosh on those dreams because they were not yet that desperate. But they could always backtrack! At least give us a series of Rick Sanchez branded, "Tweets I have read aloud, to the teevee," shirts, please!