A Gay Festivus (Pole) for the Rest of Us?

Stevens delivers his message with the grace of sandpaper, which rubs some wrong. However, if one looks through the harsh critique he offers those in power, one starts to see the absurdities that Stevens points out.
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What would you do with a six-foot pole?

That's how my 2013 conversation started with Chaz Stevens, the civil rights advocate who erected a 6-foot-tall Pabst Blue Ribbon Festivus Pole in the State Capitol of Florida, a reminder for the need of the separation of church and state. His protest caused a international sensation, and was covered by The Colbert Report, Daily Show, Fox News, and hundreds of media outlets.

From Jon Stewart's Daily Show, Sh*t's Getting Weird Edition

Stevens, described as outspoken, profane, and offensive by those in his crosshairs, is one of Florida's most effective activists.

To me, he's a genius, and if you ask, he'll tell you so. Stevens has single-handedly shown the religious establishment that they are not the only show in town. Stevens delivers his message with the grace of sandpaper, which rubs some wrong. However, if one looks through the harsh critique he offers those in power, one starts to see the absurdities that Stevens points out.

Fox News' Gretchen Carlson, worries that baby Jesus will be hidden behind the beer can festivus pole.

Now, Stevens has created The Humanity Fund, an advocacy organization dedicated to protecting and promoting freedom of speech and religion, with a focus on the separation of Church and State.

"The Humanity Fund believes in equal rights for all, with a focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights," said Stevens. "We could not stand by while religious fanatics like Kim Davis continue to deny people their basic constitutional rights."

Stevens and crew pokes fun at the religious fanatic du jour (of the month)

This year, Stevens and his Humanity Fund will expand their protest by placing rainbow Festivus Poles, wrapped in the colors of gay pride, across the country. They'll also launch an Indiegogo project, and offer for sale, Rainbow Gay Festivus Pole inspired items. A portion of those proceeds will benefit various youth LBGT rights organizations.

This is The Humanity Fund's Official 2015 Gay Pride Festivus Pole

So now that I know it's for a good cause, what should I do with my 6-foot-pole?

Let me know what you did by tweeting your rainbow Festivus Pole picture using the hashtag #MyGayPridePole.