How Nicholas Kristof Uses His Pulpit to Engage People With Empathy

Thereporter helps direct our attention to some of the most dire situations in the world, and hopefully makes us all more willing to do something ourselves to help change it.
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The Times reporter helps direct our attention to some of the most dire situations in the world, and hopefully makes us all more willing to do something ourselves to help change it.

A typical Facebook post from Nicholas Kristof: "I'm crossing into Syria now... Any suggestions for topics I should focus on in Syria? What do you want me to ask Syrians for you?"

Access isn't a problem for Kristof; he's as often found interviewing a suspected warlord as he is lounging on a mat in the Congo with George Clooney. Since joining The New York Times in 1984, Kristof has forced his audience to look at hard questions, with his focus on global poverty, health, and gender. As Bill Clinton said, "I am personally in his debt, as are we all."