I Went to the Same School as Edward Snowden and I Want My Money Back

I Went to the Same School as Edward Snowden and I Want My Money Back
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Dear Steve,

Tech School was a fraud. I attended Computer Career Institute at Johns Hopkins in 2003. After reading the Edward Snowden attended the same 'school' and it was found to be a fraud, my blood ran cold.

You suggested in a post I just finished reading that the victim file for bankruptcy. I paid my loan in full. How do I get my money back from SallieMae? If Johns Hopkins didn't know that this school was using its name and logo as well as marketing themselves as part of Johns Hopkins, they should have known - turns out that CCI was just renting space in one of JHU's satellite campuses.

I don't want to file BK - in fact, I can't because I do not have any debt - other than my car and mortgage. But now my resume is a fraud - if my employer finds out . . . well, I don't even want to think about it.


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Dear Les,

I'm not sure which article you were reading of mine so I hate to refer to that out of context.

It seems here you have two issues. The first is you feel as if the school misrepresented itself and was some type of fraud. Concerns over the school go back at least to 2007. This online thread seems to have fairly well deducted it was dubious back then.

The second is an objection over obtaining a loan to pay for the school from Sallie Mae.

As far as the student loan goes, since the loan has been repaid I'm not aware of any action you could take against Sallie Mae. Bankruptcy would only have been beneficial to avoid the repayment of the loan since if challenged that loan would most likely have been fully discharged as I describe in this article.

I'm not aware of any responsibility for Sallie Mae to only extend loans to students of only accredited schools. Clearly they have not as I demonstrated in that same article.

A private loan from Sallie Mae is a consumer loan like any other. Ultimately it is up to the student to understand and agree to the terms from the school and from the private lender. The only person watching out for you is you when it comes to loans for education.

As for a fraud action against the school you'd need to talk to a lawyer that is licensed in the state where you live. Most importantly now that so much time has passed you'd first have to even find out if it would be possible.

As far as your training went, it seems you are now employed in your field and have most likely developed valuable on the job experience that will carry you forward into new employment.

Unless you are going to get advanced degrees the initial degree just primarily helps to open that first door to give you a chance to prove yourself and your capabilities. It seems you've done that successfully and have nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. In fact it seems that whatever people are saying about that school now it gave you the chance of entering your field, you're doing a good job in it, and now have valuable real world experience.


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