Rachel Maddow And Lawrence O'Donnell Mock Chris Wallace In Jon Stewart Interview (VIDEO)

Maddow, O'Donnell Mock Fox News Host Who Interviewed Stewart
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Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell talked about Jon Stewart's "Fox News Sunday" appearance on O'Donnell's Monday show--and both pronounced themselves surprised and more than a bit confused with how the talk turned out.

"It was such a strange interview," Maddow, who has conducted her own lengthy sit-down with Stewart, said. "I can't believe that that went as ["Fox News Sunday" host] Chris Wallace intended it to."

O'Donnell said he was baffled by Wallace's decision to play clips of Comedy Central when Stewart attacked Fox News.

"He was comparing Fox News to Comedy Central," he said. "That was his choice ... not understanding that the word Fox News needs to defend in its name is 'news.'"

Maddow said the part she was most surprised by was Wallace's full-throated embrace of the notion that the media is deeply biased.

She said his argument that Fox News is presenting the "other side" of the story as a counterweight to the liberal media was "straight out of talk radio" and a "caricature" of the media.

"I took a step back and thought, oh, Chris Wallace is not actually the guy I thought he was," she said. "He's a lot more like the other Fox News hosts than we knew, and not in a way that I think flattered him."

"you could smell whiffs of the Fox News Kool-Aid on his breath," O'Donnell said.