Here's A Reminder Of Just How Awesome Our World Really Is (VIDEO)

WATCH: Are You Wrong About Our World?

From a crimson sunset to a baby's wobbly first steps to the empty splendor of deep space, our universe is full of awe-inspiring phenomena -- and science has a special way of revealing that things around us are even more awesome than they otherwise might seem. And that's a good thing, because now we know that awe can boost your well-being.

In 2012, researchers at Stanford University showed that when people felt awestruck, they were more patient, more willing to be helpful, and reported feeling more satisfied with life.

"We think ‘awe’ is really about informing people of how to be members of social communities and that’s why a lot of the great awe experiences are experiences like listening to music or being part of a political rally or being part of a social collective," Dr. Dacher Keltner, co-director of the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, told The Huffington Post.

That's not all. Arizona State University psychologist and awe expert Dr. Michelle Shiota co-authored a series of studies that suggest being awestruck might even make you think a little smarter.

"The experience of awe involves feeling very small and insignificant," Shiota told The Huffington Post, "yet also connected to something much greater than the self."

Just watch the video above for a two-and-a-half-minute boost of "awe."

What evokes awe and wonder in you? Leave your thoughts in the comments. C'mon, talk nerdy to me.


Hello, everyone.

Jacqueline Howard here.

I know what you're thinking...

What’s with the cards?

You’ll see in a minute.

And it’s really, really cool.

But first, let’s be honest.

Sometimes life can be a drag.

Same job.

Same food.

Same friends.

Same junk on TV.

But if you think ours is a humdrum world...

You’re wrong.

As science has shown us...

Again and again...

Our world is...

JACQUELINE HOWARD: Awesome. See what I mean? Talk nerdy to me.

See all Talk Nerdy to Me posts.

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