Scooter Hilton! Getting Out Of Jail Free

Scooter Libby should be held for the full 30 months of his sentence under house arrest in Paris Hilton. Or at least in her home. With her held there for a similar amount of time. Duo-solitary confinement.
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I have the perfect solution to the vexing issue of the day -- namely how to adequately punish Scooter Libby and Paris Hilton for their egregious crimes.

I think that Scooter Libby should be held for the full 30 months of his sentence under house arrest in Paris Hilton. Or at least in her home. With her held there for a similar amount of time. Duo-solitary confinement.

No cell-phones, Blackberries, make-up kits, toy pooches, Manolo pumps, slinky off-the-shoulder slips etc etc.

And the same items should be withheld from Paris as well.

They should have no visitors -- be they conjugal or philosophical. This means that neither Dick Cheney nor Nicole Ritchie can enter the homestead.

They need time to reflect on their crimes.

Paris has already made a good start. As her lawyer Richard A. Hutton, said on Monday after the first of her grueling three nights in jail:

"She's using this time to reflect on her life, to see what she can do to make the world better..."

Well that seems like the ideal cell-mate for Scooter!

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