Steve Jobs: 'Not A Chance' Google Has 'Leapfrogged' Apple

Steve Jobs: 'Not A Chance' Google Has 'Leapfrogged' Apple
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Apple CEO Steve Jobs has allegedly accused Google of "[wanting] to kill us," but according to a new email from Jobs, he believes Google hasn't yet taken the lead.

In reaction to Google's product announcements at the Google I/O conference, Gizmodo wrote that Google had "leapfrogged Apple spectacularly."

"Google is done playing catch-up. Today they're setting the agenda: With Android Froyo, Google TV, mobile ads and streaming media, Google isn't just matching Apple--they're taking the lead," Gizmodo argued.

Brian, a Gizmodo reader emailed Steve Jobs asking for the CEO's take on Google's new technologies and the Gizmodo analysis. "Do you believe Google is surpassing you guys or do you believe something different?" he asked. "What do you plan on doing if Google is surpassing Apple?"

Jobs replied with characteristic brevity: "Not a chance."

Relations between the two companies have become increasingly strained as the firms expand into new sectors. (For example, Google is working on its own tablet PC to rival the iPad.)

Google took numerous jabs at Apple during the Google I/O keynote, likening "draconian" Apple to "Big Brother" with references to 1984.

Steve Jobs is, of course, biased--as many have noted, Google's new TV platform may pose a considerable threat to Apple's mediocre "hobby," Apple TV. Tell us which company you think is "taking the lead" and "setting the agenda"--and why.Read Steve Jobs' best, snappiest email replies here. Create your own reply using the Steve Jobs email generator.