
Emily Baden, who lived near the Alitos in Virginia, detailed a growing conflict with the Supreme Court justice's wife over yard signs.
Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan has won his primary runoff to survive a wave of party turbulence in America’s biggest red state.
After Trump's team argued he was "innocent," prosecutors spent hours recapping their entire case against him.
The former Republican presidential candidate visited Israel in support of the country and its war on Gaza.
The philanthropist vowed to give $1 billion to organizations focused on women's rights.
"Americans need to wake up," former officer Harry Dunn warned of a second Trump presidency. "This is not a drill.”
Aryeh Neier, a German-born Jewish man who survived the Holocaust, explained his reasoning in an extensive interview Sunday with CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
The former president's legal team said the prosecution's motion represented an "extraordinary, unprecedented, and unconstitutional censorship application."
Closing arguments were presented in the former president's criminal trial in New York.
Roberta Kaplan addressed the former president's latest claim about her client.