Verizon Outage: Blackberry Outage Today Knocks Out Data

Verizon Outage: Blackberry Outage Today Knocks Out Data
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A Verizon outage today interrupted customers' access to data services, such as email and Internet.

Computer World
has Verizon's reponse to today's outage, which reportedly affected users 'east of the Mississippi,' according to a Verizon spokesperson:

Verizon Wireless has confirmed that data service outages affected eastern U.S. customers for up to four hours early today.

The company blamed the outage, which affected some users between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. EST today, on defective software in one of its data centers.

Did you experience problems? Tell us how the Verizon outage affected you! See real-time reactions from other users in the Twitter feed below.