5 Ways to Build a Strong Gen Z Following on Instagram

5 Ways to Build a Strong Gen Z Following on Instagram
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Social media is rapidly growing into a crucial tool to reach the Gen Z market. As of 2016, approximately 89% of teenagers and young adults use social media.

Instagram is no exception. Recently, Instagram posted that it officially reached its 500 millionth user.

Also, Instagram is currently the top social media site among teenagers and young adults, with over 30% listing Instagram as their favorite.

So how can all businesses, and not just the Fortune 500 companies, reach this huge market?

1. Post high-quality pictures.

An essential step to gaining a large following of Gen Z members is to post high-quality pictures.

When businesses post strong pictures, individuals are driven to interact with the post, by commenting or liking. Teenagers and young adults are less likely to interact with low-quality posts.

In some cases, a weak post may drive individuals to unfollow the account. In addition, posting high-quality pictures helps to keep the account's page looking nice, increasing the likelihood that a person will follow the page after viewing it.

2. Post frequently, but don't overdo it.

While maintaining an Instagram account with Gen Z followers, it is essential to post frequently. By doing so, businesses keep their followers engaged as well as up to date with recent developments regarding the product.

Failure to post on a regular basis may lead followers to believe the account has gone inactive, resulting in a loss of followers.

However, marketers should be cautious of posting too frequently, as Gen Zers grow frustrated with over-posting and repeated content. Posting one strong post every day or two will keep the followers up to date.

3. Keep follower to following ratio high.

While building an Instagram account for a business, it is paramount to keep the follower to following ratio high.

By having more followers, the account creates the impression of possessing content worth following. This increases the likelihood of a Gen Z member following the account.

Gen Z members appreciate legitimacy, and maintaining a high follower to following ratio will create that. While creating a new account, new businesses should follow as few individuals as possible.

4. Get followers involved.

While scaling up an Instagram account, it is crucial to keep the followers of the account involved.

For example, at the end of posts businesses can add the caption "tag a friend who would love this." As a result, the followers' friends find out about the account and may follow.

Running events for prizes is another excellent way to engage current followers and gain new ones. Teenagers and young adults love free stuff.

A way to take advantage of this desire is to run a shout-out contest. In this, the followers post a screenshot of the account in the hopes of winning a prize given out at random by the account, such as free product or gift card.

5. Partner with other accounts that post similar content.

Another excellent way for businesses to extend their reach is to partner with Instagram accounts that post related content.

By partnering with Instagram accounts that also have strong followings of Gen Zers, both sides benefit and gain new followers.

Partnering can be done in one of two ways. The first is to dedicate a post to the account in which all followers receive the post.

Another way is to tag the account on the next few posts. This is a harmless method that can lead to quick growth and new followers for the account.

Growing and maintaining an Instagram account is no easy feat. However, with persistence and quality posts, Instagram can be a useful tool in gaining new customers.

This article was originally published on YouthLogix.