Ed Schultz To John Boehner: Will You 'Take Impeachment Off The Table?' (VIDEO)

Ed Schultz: Will Republicans 'Take Impeachment Off The Table?'
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Ed Schultz suggested that Republicans in the House might try to impeach President Obama, and asked John Boehner, who is widely predicted to become the next Speaker of the House, if he was willing to take the notion "off the table."

Schultz's comments came during a discussion about Rand Paul, who won the Senate seat in Kentucky. After saying that Rand Paul had sometimes sided with the "birther" movement, Scultz turned to Boehner:

Four years ago, in the midst of an avalanche of criticism of the Bush administration, Nancy Pelosi took impeachment off the table. I want to ask Mr. Boehner tonight: are you going to take impeachment off the table. or are we going to go down this road of divide, are we going to go down this road of investigations?