Georgia State Doctoral Student Launches Newspaper Written By Homeless (VIDEO)

WATCH: Doctoral Student Launches Newspaper Written By And For Homeless


The Atlanta Overlook isn't your run-of-the-mill daily paper. The reporting and writing is done entirely by a staff of homeless people.

Jeremy Godfrey, a doctoral student at Georgia State, launched the paper in an effort "to empower and employ Atlanta's homeless," states the paper's website.

The participants meet once a week for a creative writing workshop to hone their writing skills and brainstorm ideas, reports 11Alive News.

The Overlook, Godfrey tells NBC, "has the power to reach a public that views homelessness in a negative light."

The homeless vendors sell the paper for a dollar a piece around Little Five Points, Virginia Highlands, and Poncey-Highlands areas of Georgia. Each vendor keeps the proceeds of his sales.