Melrose Avenue Elementary Parents Create PSA Against School Budget Cuts

WATCH: Parents, Students Create PSA Against School Budget Cuts
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When budget cuts threatened the arts, science, math and technology programs at Melrose Elementary School, its students' parents decided to take action.

But more than just fundraise, they decided to create a public service announcement to educate the public about the budgetary threats to public school funding.

Meredith Gullion, who has a child at the Los Angeles, Calif. school, wrote and directed the visually stirring video, GOOD reports. She lets children do most of the talking, telling the viewer about not only budget cuts, but about their compromised futures.

Speaking of the fight for quality public education, Melrose Avenue Elementary Principal Bernadette Lucas says in the video:

"Failure is not an option. There is no greater impact that you can make as an individual voice than to support education. It is the foundation of everything."


A fund has also been set to garner donations and help save the school from its drastic budget cuts. To learn how to contribute, follow the Education links below.