My Natural Hair Journey, Sharing My #HairTruth

My continued hope is that women of color from all over the world will unapologetically say, "My Black IS Beautiful"
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It started when I was a little girl of 9yrs. old; I encountered a struggle that I realize a lot of little black girls have been faced mother didn't know what to do with my hair. Because of that, my hair suffered severely, and it contributed to me having low self-esteem about my looks. As I experimented and felt more confident to try different hairstyles and products on myself, I came to understand that every woman has her own uniqueness and beauty; there isn't one standard of beauty, but many. Learning this made me want to help women transition into the beauty they were born with by creating hairstyles that would inspire them to see themselves naturally beautiful and unique in a society that they felt left out of.

Being a hairstylist in the entertainment industry for over 15years, I have had the opportunity to travel around the world meeting and educating women of color from different nationalities and backgrounds. Their stories have been the same... they never felt proud about their hair or their skin color, so when I first heard about the "My Black Is Beautiful" program, a community program by P&G to support black women, and provide them with a platform to share their stories and unique experiences, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. 


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Teamed up with My Black is beautiful to help inspire women to share their #hairtruth
Felicia Leatherwood

The folks over at My Black is Beautiful knew about my journey and experience in working with natural hair with black Hollywood, and asked me to be a part of their #hairtruth campaign to engage in conversations with black women, to help them understand what their hair needs and how to care for it. This campaign allows women to express what their concerns are about products, hair care and styling options, I love that they took the time to open this dialogue and get women thinking about caring for healthy hair, styling it, and how it relates to their esteem.

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Inspiring women to talk about their journey and share their #hairtruth
Felicia Leatherwood

I love seeing how happy women are when their hair comes to life after it’s been properly styled and cared for – especially because I know it impacts how they feel inside. And this comes from first-hand experience! My continued hope is that women of color from all over the world will unapologetically say,  "My Black IS Beautiful” and my #hairtruth is that I discovered how to care for and style my healthy hair. Because, finding the right products and techniques to get your hair at its best does take patience, but it’s well worth it! 

Follow My Black is Beautiful on Instagram @MBIB and share your #hairtruth

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My #HairTruth
Felicia Leatherwood