Russia 'Gay Propaganda' Law Slammed By LGBT Film Festival Group In New Clip (VIDEO)

WATCH: LGBT Group Slams Russia's 'Gay Propaganda' Law Proposal

A Russian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) film festival has released a haunting ad condemning a proposed bill prohibiting the distribution of "propaganda of homosexuality" to minors.

Side by Side LGBT International Film Festival, the only one of its kind in Russia, produced "Stop the Homophobic Bill in Russia," which shows a crowd of people vanishing one by one as various minority groups are "outlawed."

The controversial St. Petersburg bill -- which calls for anyone who commits "public acts" promoting LGBT life to minors to be given fines -- was previously slammed by Russia's foremost LGBT rights activist Nikolai Alekseev, who called it "medieval barbarity" in an impassioned Op-Ed piece in The Guardian. The city's legislative assembly approved a draft version of the law on Nov. 16.

And while the U.S. has also condemned the law, Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, has since fought back by calling comments by the U.S. State Department "incorrect."

“We are perplexed by the American side’s attempts to interfere in the legislative process in Russia, especially publicly," Dolgov said, according to Russia Today. "We consider these attempts inappropriate and inconsistent with the practice of interstate relations."

Watch the new clip below: