Colorado WINNERS Of The Week (PHOTOS, POLL)

Colorado WINNERS Of The Week (PHOTOS, POLL)

It was a great week for some Colorado newsmakers. Below, check out the Colorado Winners of the Week, and vote on who you think is the week's biggest winner. And check out the Colorado Losers of the Week here.

Tim Tebow: Not everyone was thrilled when the Broncos selected Tebow in the first round of the NFL draft last weekend. The only certainty surrounding the former Florida quarterback, many argued at the time, was that he would make a lot of money off of endorsement deals. Tebow silenced many critics this week when reports circulated that he had actually turned down several huge endorsement deals because he thought they would distract him from football.

Jane Norton: Senate candidate Norton may have received great news this week when she was praised (but not quite endorsed) by none other than conservative icon Sarah Palin. In a GOP primary that figures to be largely a contest to see who can appeal to conservative voters, Norton has thus far struggled to shed her moderate image. An endorsement from Palin would help her chances of securing the Republican nomination.

Terrance Carroll:
The Speaker of the State House shepherded several tough pieces of legislation through the legislature this session despite divisions within the Democratic caucus. Most recently, Carroll ensured the passage of SB 191, the controversial teacher tenure reform bill, despite vehement opposition from many Democrats. Earlier in the session, he held the party together on a tough vote to eliminate certain tax exemptions for businesses. Carroll, who is term-limited, has not indicated what his next career move will be, but he certainly didn't hurt his stock this session.