Green Dating: There Are Many Fish In The Sea (Let's Keep It That Way)

Green Dating: There Are Many Fish In The Sea (Let's Keep It That Way)
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Maybe it's just me, but it seems as if everybody's trying to out-green one another these days. A woman I was talking to at a restaurant the other night said she's even using Seventh Generation diapers for her baby. I don't know about you, but that seems like one really old diaper.

But such is the pressure to reduce, reuse and recycle.

As an apartment-dwelling single with nary a dependent, I can't brag about how I use cardboard diapers for my kids. Nor can I point to the energy-efficient appliances I've purchased for my solar-powered yurt, or wax sanctimonious about my backyard worm bin (I'd install one in the kitchen but my lease says no pets).

But I can do one thing to keep from being completely left in the eco-dust. It's called green dating.

Or keep living green at the Huffington Post's Green Living page