Expolicía asesino: Es ahora el hombre más buscado de Estados Unidos

Expolicía asesino: Es ahora el hombre más buscado de Estados Unidos

Desde el amanecer del sábado, agentes de la policía se dispersaron por las montañas de Big Bear Lake, en el condado San Bernardino, California, para continuar sus labores de búsqueda y dar con el paradero del prófugo Christopher Dorner, un expolicía de Los Ángeles sospechoso de tres homicidios, entre ellos el de un oficial de la policía.

Una tormenta en el sur de California ha dificultado la cacería, impidiendo que helicópteros sobrevolaran el área en busca de pistas, obstaculizando los esfuerzos para encontrar al fugitivo, cuya camioneta pick up fue encontrada cerca de un centro de esquí.

Equipos de SWAT con uniformes de camuflaje se dispersaron por las montañas el viernes, y fueron puerta por puerta investigando cabañas desocupadas, teniendo el cuenta que podían estar expuestos a una trampa planificada por Dourner, quien también es un reservista del Navy, por lo que conoce muy bien las tácticas y estrategias de quienes intentan localizarlo.

Mientras unos buscan por las montañas, otros miles de policías armados continúan su búsqueda en el resto de California, Nevada, Arizona y en el norte de México.

La camioneta de Christopher Jordan Dorner, fue incendiada y encontrada cerca del lugar donde se ejecutaron los crímenes de otros miembros del Departamento de Policía de los Ángeles (LAPD) y de los cuales se responsabiliza al ahora prófugo.

"Vamos a continuar insaciablemente la búsqueda", dijo el alguacil, John McMahon en conferencia de prensa este viernes en la mañana.

Más de cien oficiales se han internado en las montañas del este de Los Ángeles tras el rastro de Dorner, a quien se le considera una persona extremadamente peligrosa.

Christopher Jordan Dorner fue despedido y alertó que haría la "guerra" al Departamento Policial de Los Ángeles (LAPD). Después de la amenaza inició una serie de ataques a tiros que dejó muerto a un policía y a otras dos personas.

En medio de la tensión que ha provocado encontrar a este peligroso fugitivo, agentes abrieron fuego por error contra ciudadanos inocentes.

La búsqueda de Christopher Dorner se concentró el jueves por la noche en Bear Lake, aproximadamente 130 kilómetros (80 millas) al este de Los Ángeles, donde la Policía encontró una pick-up incendiada que al parecer pertenecía a Dorner. John McMahon, alguacil del Condado de San Bernardino, dijo que los agentes realizan una búsqueda puerta por puerta mientras el equipo de élite brinda seguridad a los residentes de la comunidad montañosa.

Durante el día, miles de policías fuertemente armados recorrieron carreteras en el estado y otros montaron guardia afuera de viviendas de personas a quienes, según las autoridades, Dorner prometió atacar en un texto publicado por Internet. Carteles electrónicos que generalmente avisan a los conductores sobre las condiciones del tráfico, los exhortaron a llamar al servicio de emergencias en caso de que vean a Dorner.

"Ofreceré una guerra inusual y asimétrica" a los agentes del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles, estén o no en servicio, dijo Dorner en su el documento.

"Desafortunadamente, no estaré vivo para ver mi nombre limpio. De esto se trata, de mi nombre. Un hombre no es nadie sin su nombre", agregó.

Asimismo, se confirmó que el conductor del programa de noticias de CNN, Anderson Cooper, recibió del sospechoso el 1 de febrero un paquete que contenía un DVD, una carta y una moneda atravesada por una bala. El contenido fue entregado por CNN al Departamento de Policía de Los Angeles sin que se de a conocer su naturaleza, a excepción de un papel con una inscripción supuestamente amenazadora dirigida al jefe del LAPD cuando Dorner fue despedido del arma.

Charlie Beck, el jefe del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles, pidió en rueda de prensa que cualquiera que vea al sospechoso o tenga información sobre su paradero que llame inmediatamente al 911 y trate de no acercarse a éste.

"Estamos hablando de un sospechoso de homicidio que ha cometido crímenes atroces [...] Si le quieren dar importancia a los disparates que este hombre ha dicho en Internet háganlo, pero yo no lo haría", le respondió Beck a un reportero que cuestionó que el sospechoso culpaba a al LAPD de lo sucedido.

Christopher Jordan Dorner:

Los documentos de identificación de Dorner fueron localizados cerca del aeropuerto de San Diego y entregados a la policía el jueves, según HuffPost Los Angeles.

Dorner, de 33 años, cuenta con muchas armas de fuego, entre ellas un fusil de asalto, dijo el jefe de la Policía de Los Ángeles, Charlie Beck, que lo exhortó a rendirse en una conferencia de prensa en un cuarto subterráneo en la sede de la policía, en el que había más seguridad de lo normal.

"Claro que sabe lo que hace, nosotros lo entrenamos. También fue miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas", dijo Beck. "Es extremadamente preocupante y aterrador".

El Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles de cerca de 10.000 integrantes envió a algunos de sus agentes a proteger más de 40 objetivos potenciales en la región el jueves. El Departamento también retiró a los agentes de motocicleta ante el temor de que puedan convertirse en blancos fáciles de Dorner.

"Nunca tuve oportunidad de tener mi propia familia, estoy acabando con las suyas", dijo el sospechoso en el documento.

Durante la búsqueda, policías abrieron fuego por error contra una camioneta parecida a la Nissan Titan modelo 2005 de Dorner, hiriendo a dos civiles inocentes.

La búsqueda de Dorner, que fue despedido del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles en el 2008 por hacer declaraciones falsas, comenzó después de que se le vinculó con un ataque mortífero del fin de semana, en la que una de las víctimas era la hija de un ex capitán de policía que lo había representado durante ese proceso disciplinario.

Monica Quan y su novio, Keith Lawrence, fueron hallados acribillados a tiros el domingo por la noche dentro de su automóvil en el estacionamiento del condominio en que vivían en Irvine. Quan, de 28 años, fue asistente de entrenador del equipo de básquetbol femenino de la Universidad Estatal de California en Fullerton. Lawrence, de 27, era un agente de seguridad pública en la Universidad del Sur de California.

Dorner se atribuyó los asesinatos con un "manifiesto" que publicó en internet y en el que incluyó amenazas contra varias personas, incluso miembros del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles, dijo la policía.

El sospechoso trabajó en el departamento del 2005 al 2008, cuando fue despedido por falso testimonio.

El padre de Quan, ex capitán de policía que se recibió de abogado tras retirarse, representó a Dorner frente a la Junta de Derechos, un tribunal que falló contra el agente en el momento de su despido, dijo el capitán William Hayes a The Associated Press el miércoles por la noche.

Randal Quan se retiró en 2002 y poco después fungió como jefe de policía en la Universidad Estatal Politécnica de California, en Pomona antes de empezar a litigar. Quan no respondió a un mensaje en busca de declaraciones.

El jueves temprano, mientras los agentes buscaban a Donner, se reportaron dos ataques en dos sitios del condado de Riverside, al este de Los Ángeles.

La primera agresión ocurrió en Corona e involucró a dos agentes de Los Ángeles que trabajaban en una cuadrilla de seguridad, dijo el sargento Alex Báez. Uno de los dos fue rozado por una bala. Más tarde, dos agentes en una patrulla de rutina en la vecina Riverside fueron emboscados en una luz roja de tránsito, dijo el teniente Guy Toussaint. Uno murió y el otro estaba grave en un quirófano.

Los agentes de Riverside agredidos no participaban en la búsqueda de Dorner, dijo Toussaint.

"Pedimos a nuestros agentes que tengan sumo cuidado, al igual que le decimos al público que tenga un cuidado extremo con este sujeto. Ya ha demostrado que tiene propensión a disparar contra personas inocentes. Ahora no podemos suministrar mucha información porque estamos tratando de capturarlo", dijo el comandante Andrew Smith.

La credencial policial de Dorner y un documento de identidad fueron hallados cerca del aeropuerto de San Diego y entregados a la policía el jueves, dijo el sargento de policía Ray Battrick.

Las autoridades de Nevada se sumaron a la búsqueda de Dorner dado que es propietario de una vivienda a 14,5 kilómetros (nueve millas) de la avenida principal de Las Vegas, de acuerdo con las autoridades y reportes de propiedad.

Se solicita que cualquiera que tenga información se comunique con la policía a 213-486-5230, o al 877-LAPD-24-7 fuera del horario laboral.

Christopher Dorner
Christopher Dorner(01 of43)
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Esta foto sin fecha difundida por el departamento de policía de Los Angeles muestra a Christopher dorner, expolicía de Los Angeles que fue despedido del departamento por acusaciones falsas. Ahora es objeto de una cacería masiva por sospechar que ha matado a tres personas y herido a una cuarta (AP Foto/Los Angeles Police Department) (credit:AP)
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Agentes del FBI inspeccionan una casa que perteneció al ex policía de Los Angeles Christopher Dorner el 7 de febrero del 2013. Dorner es sospechoso de matar a tres personas y herir a una cuarta. (AP Foto/Julie Jacobson) (credit:AP)
Christopher Dorner(03 of43)
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ADDS DATE VIDEO WAS TAKEN - This image provided by the Irvine Police Department shows Christopher Dorner from Jan. 28, 2013 surveillance video at an Orange County, Calif., hotel. More than 100 officers, including SWAT teams, were driven in glass-enclosed snow machines and armored personnel carriers in Big Bear Lake to hunt for this former Los Angeles police officer suspected of going on a deadly rampage to get back at those he blamed for ending his police career. (AP Photo/Irvine Police Department) (credit:AP)
Christopher Dorner(04 of43)
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ADDS DATE VIDEO WAS TAKEN - This image provided by the Irvine Police Department shows Christopher Dorner from Jan. 28, 2013 surveillance video at an Orange County, Calif., hotel. More than 100 officers, including SWAT teams, were driven in glass-enclosed snow machines and armored personnel carriers in Big Bear Lake to hunt for this former Los Angeles police officer suspected of going on a deadly rampage to get back at those he blamed for ending his police career. (AP Photo/Irvine Police Department) (credit:AP)
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A San Bernardino County Sheriff SWAT team returns to the command post at Bear Mountain near Big Bear Lake, Calif. after searching for Christopher Jordan Dorner on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Search conditions have been hampered by a heavy winter storm in the area. Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer, is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Pool, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Will Lester) (credit:AP)
Christopher Dorner(06 of43)
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A photo released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows three images of suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer. Police have launched a massive manhunt for the former Los Angeles officer suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said. ( AP Photo/LAPD Police Dept.) (credit:AP)
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In this image provided by the Irvine, Calif., Police Department via The Orange County Register, former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner is shown. Dorner is a suspect in the killings of Monica Quan and her fiance, Keith Lawrence, who were found shot to death in their car at a parking structure Sunday night. (AP Photo/Irvine Police Department via The Orange County Register) (credit:AP)
Monica Quan(08 of43)
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FILE - This undated file photo provided by Cal State Fullerton on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, shows Cal State Fullerton assistant women's NCAA college basketball coach Monica Quan in Fullerton, Calif. Quan and her fiance Keith Lawrence were found shot to death Sunday night on the top floor of a parking structure at the complex, police said. Former LAPD officer and U.S. Navy reservist Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, is a suspect in the killings. (AP Photo/Cal State Fullerton, File) (credit:AP)
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Irvine police Chief David L. Maggard announces at a news conference Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013, in Irvine, Calif., that former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, whose image is projected at right, behind Maggard, is a suspect in the killings of Monica Quan and her fiance, Keith Lawrence, who were found shot to death in their car at a parking structure Sunday night. (AP Photo/The Orange County Register, Cindy Yamanaka) (credit:AP)
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Police respond in Riverside, Calif., early Thursday morning, Feb. 7, 2013, after one officer was killed and another critically wounded in a shoot out with a murder suspect. Police were searching for a former Los Angeles police officer sought for two weekend killings , and who threatened to kill police. There were two separate overnight shootings about 60 miles east of Los Angeles in Riverside County that investigators believe involved former LA police officer Christopher Dorner, who's also the main suspect in the weekend killing of a couple whose bodies were found in Irvine. He was fired in 2008 for making false statements. (AP Photo/Kevin Warn) (credit:AP)
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The amber alert system is used to inform motorists of a manhunt underway for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of going on a killing spree, Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 in Riverside, Calif. There were two separate overnight shootings about 60 miles east of Los Angeles in Riverside County that investigators believe involved former LA police officer Christopher Dorner, whos also the main suspect in the weekend killing of a couple whose bodies were found in Irvine. ( AP Photo/Nick Ut) (credit:AP)
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The amber alert system is used to inform motorists of a manhunt underway for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of going on a killing spree, Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 in Los Angeles. There were two separate overnight shootings about 60 miles east of Los Angeles in Riverside County that investigators believe involved former LA police officer Dorner, whos also the main suspect in the weekend killing of a couple whose bodies were found in Irvine. (AP Photo/Orange County Register, Ken Steinhardt) LA TIMES OUT (credit:AP)
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Police respond in Riverside, Calif., early Thursday morning, Feb. 7, 2013, after one officer was killed and another critically wounded in a shootout with a murder suspect. Police were searching for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner, who is the main suspect in the weekend killings of a couple whose bodies were found in Irvine, and who has threatened to kill police. Investigators believe Dorner is responsible for two separate overnight shootings about 60 miles east of Los Angeles in Riverside County. Dorner was fired from the LAPD in 2008 for making false statements. (AP Photo/Kevin Warn) (credit:AP)
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Law enforcement officers look over the scene of an officer involved shooting in Torrance, Calif., Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013. The shooting is believed to related to the manhunt for fired Los Angeles police officer, Christopher Dorner. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
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Law enforcement members look over the scene of an officer involved shooting in Torrance, Calif. Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013. Thousands of police officers throughout Southern California and Nevada hunted for a former Los Angeles officer, Christopher Dorner, who was angry over his firing and began a deadly shooting rampage that he warned in an online posting would target those on the force who wronged him, authorities said. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
Charlie Beck, Sandy Jo MacArthur(16 of43)
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Los Angeles police Chief Charlie Beck, right, comments on fired officer, Christopher Dorner, Dorner's multiple weapons, including an assault rifle, during a news conference at the LAPD headquarters in Los Angeles Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013. Police launched a massive manhunt for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of going on a killing spree, slaying a couple over the weekend, opening fire on two Los Angeles officers early Thursday and then ambushing two other police officers, killing one. At left, Assistant Chief Sandy Jo MacArthur. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) (credit:AP)
Man Hunt On For Former LAPD Officer Suspected Of Shooting Police Officer(17 of43)
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LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 07: In this handout picture provided by Los Angeles Police Department , the alleged suspect Christopher Dorner is seen on February 7, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. A former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement, is suspected three police officers killing one. Dorner is also a suspect in two weekend killings of Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence who were found dead in a car inside a parking structure. (Photo by LAPD via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Man Hunt On For Former LAPD Officer Suspected Of Shooting Police Officer(18 of43)
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LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 07: In this handout picture provided by Los Angeles Police Department , the alleged suspect Christopher Dorner is seen on February 7, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. A former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement, is suspected three police officers killing one. Dorner is also a suspect in two weekend killings of Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence who were found dead in a car inside a parking structure. (Photo by LAPD via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Man Hunt On For Former LAPD Officer Suspected Of Shooting Police Officer(19 of43)
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LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 07: In this handout picture provided by Los Angeles Police Department , the alleged suspect Christopher Dorner is seen on February 7, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. A former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement, is suspected three police officers killing one. Dorner is also a suspect in two weekend killings of Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence who were found dead in a car inside a parking structure. (Photo by LAPD via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Man Hunt On For Former LAPD Officer Suspected Of Shooting Police Officer(20 of43)
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LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 07: In this handout picture provided by Los Angeles Police Department , the alleged suspect Christopher Dorner is seen on February 7, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. A former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement, is suspected three police officers killing one. Dorner is also a suspect in two weekend killings of Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence who were found dead in a car inside a parking structure. (Photo by LAPD via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Photos of fired Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer Christopher Dorner are seen at a press conference regarding the manhunt for Dorner, at LADP headquarters in Los Angeles February 7, 2013. Los Angeles police launched a full-scale manhunt for Dorner, a dismissed officer believed to have killed three people including another cop. Christopher Jordan Dorner had posted a chilling online warning about 'terminating' the life of a collegue he blamed for his dismissal, and threatening other police and their families. AFP PHOTOS / ROBYN BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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FILE - In this Thursday, May 1, 2008 file photo, Los Angeles Police Officers stand near "Phraselators" as they monitor May Day protesters gathering downtown to call for immigration reform in Los Angeles. The department is using new tactics and technology, including the "Phraselators" which can broadcast to a crowd in different languages, in hopes of overcoming the memory of the previous year's violent event. Christopher Dorner's claim that his career as a Los Angeles police officer was undone by a racist conspiracy at the department comes at a time when it's widely held the LAPD has moved beyond the troubled racial legacy of Rodney King and the O.J. Simpson trial. (AP Photo/Ric Francis) (credit:AP)
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Police investigators take away evidence from the home of the mother of fugitive suspect former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner, in La Palma, Calif., on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Police agencies have launched a massive manhunt for Dorner, who is suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) (credit:AP)
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California Highway Patrol officers search a truck for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner at a checkpoint near Big Bear Lake, Calif, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officers working in falling snow searched the Southern California mountain for Dorner, who is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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A California Highway Patrol officer tells a driver to roll the window down while searching for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner at a checkpoint near Big Bear Lake, Calif, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officers working in falling snow searched the Southern California mountain for Dorner, who is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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California Highway Patrol officers search a vehicle for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner at a checkpoint near Big Bear Lake, Calif, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officers working in falling snow searched the Southern California mountain for Dorner, who is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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A digital billboard along Santa Monica Boulevard on the west side of Los Angeles shows a "wanted" alert for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Dorner is suspected in a spree of violence as part of a vendetta against law enforcement after being fired by the department. He is also a suspect in the shooting deaths of a former LAPD captain's daughter and her fiance, and two other shootings that left an officer dead and two others wounded. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon) (credit:AP)
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U.S. Marshals deputies stand on guard outside the home of the mother of fugitive suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer in La Palma, Calif., on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Police agencies have launched a massive manhunt for the former Los Angeles police officer, who is suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said. ( AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) (credit:AP)
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U.S. Marshals deputies look behind the vegetation as they stand on guard outside the home of the mother of fugitive suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer in La Palma, Calif., on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Police agencies have launched a massive manhunt for the former Los Angeles officer, who is suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said. ( AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) (credit:AP)
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U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement vehicles are covered in snow near the command post in Big Bear Lake, Calif, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officers working in falling snow searched a Southern California mountain Friday for Christopher Dorner, the former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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A U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement officer, right, stands next to his SUV in Big Bear Lake, Calif., Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officers working in falling snow searched a Southern California mountain Friday for Christopher Dorner, the former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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A San Bernardino County Sheriff SWAT team returns to the command post at Bear Mountain near Big Bear Lake, Calif. after searching for Christopher Jordan Dorner on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Search conditions have been hampered by a heavy winter storm in the area. Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer, is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Pool, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Will Lester) (credit:AP)
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A San Bernardino County Sheriff SWAT team returns to the command post at Bear Mountain near Big Bear Lake, Calif. after searching for Christopher Jordan Dorner on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Search conditions have been hampered by a heavy winter storm in the area. Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer, is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Pool, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Will Lester) (credit:AP)
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A San Bernardino County Sheriff SWAT team returns to the command post at Bear Mountain near Big Bear Lake, Calif. after searching for Christopher Jordan Dorner on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Search conditions have been hampered by a heavy winter storm in the area. Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer, is accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Pool, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Will Lester) (credit:AP)
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Members on the California Highway Patrol search a truck for Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, in Big Bear Lake, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
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Members on the California Highway Patrol search a truck for Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, in Big Bear Lake, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
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A San Bernardino County sheriff's helicopter searches for former Los Angeles officer Christopher Dorner on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, in Big Bear Lake, Calif. Police spent all night searching the snowy mountains of Southern California but were unable to find Dorner, the former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) (credit:AP)
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Members on the California Highway Patrol search a truck for Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, in Big Bear Lake, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
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Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies stand alert outside the Twin Towers jail, which was put on lockdown after an alleged sighting of suspect Christopher Jordan Dorner Friday Feb. 8, 2013 in Los Angeles. The lockdown was later lifted. Law enforcement officers worked through the night amid an incoming snow storm searching for the former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) (credit:AP)
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Members on the California Highway Patrol search a truck for Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spree because he felt he was unfairly fired from his job, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, in Big Bear Lake, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
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Map locates key places in the hunt for Christopher Dorner; (credit:AP)
Steven Spagon(42 of43)
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San Bernardino Sheriff's Department officer Steven Spagon mans a check point during the search for fired Los Angeles officer, Christopher Dorner in Big Bear Lake, Calif. Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. Law enforcement officials spent all night searching the snowy mountains of Southern California in searching for Dorner, who threatened to bring "warfare" to the Los Angeles Police Department and went on a shooting rampage that left a policeman and two others dead. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) (credit:AP)
Christopher Dorner(43 of43)
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This undated photo released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer. Dorner, who was fired from the LAPD in 2008 for making false statements, is linked to a weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him during the disciplinary hearing. Authorities believe Dorner opened fire early Thursday on police in cities east of Los Angeles, killing an officer and wounding another. Police issued a statewide "officer safety warning" and police were sent to protect people named in the posting that was believed to be written by Dorner. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Police Department) (credit:AP)

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