Delaware's Glasgow Church Posts Symbolic Anti-Gay Marriage Sign (PHOTO)

LOOK: Church Sparks Controversy With Symbolic Sign Opposing Gay Marriage

A photo of a Delaware church's symbolic sign meant to oppose same-sex marriage is making the blogosphere rounds.

The below snapshot of the Glasgow Church's sign, which has since appeared on Good As You and Towleroad among a number of other media outlets, was taken by Twitter user @zafojones:

Dr. Chuck Betters released a lengthy statement regarding Glasgow's marriage equality stance on the church's official Facebook page on April 24.

"Glasgow Church loves and welcomes all people regardless of their sexuality," the statement reads. "Homosexual sin is no different than heterosexual sin in God’s eyes. Both kinds of sins are defined in the Scriptures and both can be forgiven at the cross."

Better continues, "The recent sign posting was not intended to offend anyone in the gay community. We apologize if it did. It was only meant to say that the cross of Jesus Christ is greater than any political position one might hold on this matter."

The statement also notes that Better is planning a May 5 same-sex marriage bill Q&A: "My desire is that our church will welcome any and all people, regardless of their politics and/or sexuality, who wish to attend. We will treat the professed homosexual with the same dignity and respect with which we treat the heterosexual."

You can read the full statement here.

Delaware seems on track to follow Rhode Island in approving same-sex marriage. As the Associated Press points out, marriage equality legislation now heads to the Delaware Senate for consideration after narrowly passing the House on April 23.

H/T Jeremy Hooper, Good As You

Before You Go

Gay Marriage In The United States
New York(01 of17)
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New York lawmakers legalized same-sex marriage on July 24, 2011, making it the largest state at the time to pass such legislation. (credit:Flickr: alh1)
Maryland(02 of17)
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Voters in Maryland approved marriage equality in the November 2012 election.Initially, the gay marriage bill was signed into law by Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) on March 1, 2012, but opponents gathered enough signatures to force the issue back onto the ballot. With the passing of marriage equality, same-sex marriage ceremonies began on Jan. 1, 2013. (credit:AP)
Iowa(03 of17)
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Iowa's Supreme Court ruled the state's gay marriage ban unconstitutional on April 3, 2009. (credit:Getty)
Maine(04 of17)
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Maine made history in the November 2012 election when it became the first state to pass marriage equality on the ballot. Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said, "Voters in Maine came to the common-sense conclusion that all people deserve the ability to make loving, lifelong commitments through marriage."Just three years ago, a popular vote overturned legislation that would have legalized same-sex marriage in the state. (credit:AP)
Massachusetts(05 of17)
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Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage on May 17, 2004. The state's Supreme Court initially found the ban on gay marriage unconstitutional on Nov. 18, 2003. (credit:AP)
New Hampshire(06 of17)
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Same-sex couples were able to begin seeking marriage licenses on Jan. 1, 2010. (credit:Flickr: jimbowen0306)
Vermont(07 of17)
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Vermont, which invented civil unions, became the first state to legalize gay marriage through a legislature's vote -- overriding the governor's veto. Same-sex couples were able to begin marrying on Sept, 1, 2009. (credit:Flickr: Tony Fischer Photography)
Washington D.C.(08 of17)
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Gay couples were able to begin marrying in the nation's capital on March 9, 2010. (credit:Flickr: Vox Efx)
California(09 of17)
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The state initially began conducting gay marriages on June 16, 2008. On November 5, 2008, however, California voters passed Proposition 8, which amended the state's constitution to declare marriage as only between a man and a woman.On June 26, 2013, by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court justices held in Hollingsworth v. Perry that the traditional marriage activists who put Proposition 8 on California ballots in 2008 did not have the constitutional authority, or standing, to defend the law in federal courts after the state refused to appeal its loss at trial, opening the door for marriages to resume in the state. (credit:AP)
Washington(10 of17)
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On February 13, 2012, Gov. Christine Gregoire (D) signed a law allowing same-sex marriage ceremonies to begin on June 7, 2012. The process was delayed by gay marriage opponents who gathered enough signatures to put the issue up to a state vote in November 2012.Gay marriage passed on November 7, 2012. The official determination for Washington did not come until one day after the election because of the state's mail-in voting system. (credit:AP)
Rhode Island(11 of17)
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Gay marriage came to Rhode Island when Governor Lincoln Chafee signed the marriage equality bill into law on May 2, 2013. (credit:AP)
Delaware(12 of17)
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Delaware obtained gay marriage when Governor Jack Markell signed the marriage equality bill it into law on May 7, 2013. (credit:Getty)
Minnesota(13 of17)
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Minnesota same-sex couples achieved marriage equality when Gov. Mark Dayton signed the legislation into law on May 14, 2013. (credit:AP)
New Jersey(14 of17)
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Newark Mayor Cory Booker began marrying same-sex couples at City Hall at 12:01 a.m. on Oct. 21, 2013. (credit:AP)
Hawaii(15 of17)
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Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex marriage into law on Nov. 13, 2013, making it the 15th state to pass such legislation.
Illinois(16 of17)
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Illinois became the 16th state to legalize gay marriage, with the House having passed the bill on Nov. 5. and Gov. Pat Quinn signing the legislation on Nov. 20. (credit:AP)
New Mexico(17 of17)
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On Dec. 19, the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously ruled that same-sex marriage rights are protected under the Constitution. (credit:Robert Alexander via Getty Images)