English Opera and Sky Arts Will Produce First Ever Live 3D Opera

English Opera and Sky Arts Will Produce First Ever Live 3D Opera

For those who thought the opera was for the rich, the old, or the bourgeoisie, the English Opera is producing a live 3D opera, mixing this 400 year old art with the technologies and sensibilities of the contemporary world.

The English National Opera has teamed with Sky Arts to produce this groundbreaking project, one of the first live 3D productions of an opera. On February 23rd, people with a 3D TV will be able to watch Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia live on Sky 3D while those without a 3D TV will be able to see it live in 3D in about 15-20 cinemas. The show will also be broadcast live on Sky Arts 2 (HD), and shown in 2D at other cinemas at a later date.

Directed by Oscar nominated director experimental film-maker, Mike Figgis (think Leaving Las Vegas)- this show is bound to break grounds. The opera will also include a short film made by Figgis, shot in Rome.

With this bold move, the UK's opera houses hope to reach newer audiences, expanding the Opera's appeal and making it a more accessible art.