Girl Gives Mom The Slip... And Ends Up Locking Herself In Bank Safe

Firefighters finally managed to free the 2-year-old.

Dramatic video shows fire crews rushing to free a 2-year-old girl from inside a locked bank safe.

She reportedly scrambled into the steel time-lock box at the UniCredit branch in Vicenza, northern Italy, on Thursday after becoming bored while her mom spoke to a teller.

The door then closed behind her and she was trapped inside. For security reasons it can't be opened for another 40 minutes, The Local reports.

Bank staff and her mom called emergency services.

Video posted online shows firefighters using a hydraulic wedge to force open the safe's door.

The tearful little girl, who'd been stuck inside the confined space for more than 15 minutes, is lifted out.

While she clearly appears distressed, Il Mattino reports she was otherwise unhurt.

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