Hurricane Playlist: Indie Songs To Listen To While Sandy Rolls Into Town (VIDEOS)

A Hurricane Playlist To Rock Out To During The Storm
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Cast member Tom Waits attends the premiere of "Seven Psychopaths" at the Bruin Theatre on Monday, Oct. 1, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Hurricane Sandy is coming, and the next few days will be a real test for those of us living on the East Coast. Inspired by the New Yorker's Hurricane Playlist, we've decided to make an indie version to give you a boost while you work from home or just stare at the wall, waiting for the storm to pass. Let us know your favorite stormy weather songs in the comments section.

"Rebellion (Lies)" by Arcade Fire
This classic song from the Canadian wunderkinds will get you in the mood to weather a long afternoon at home underneath the covers.

"Make It Rain" by Tom Waits
When you're heart hurts and think it's high time to curse the gods and bring on the storm.

"Strangers in the Wind" by Cut Copy
While we eagerly await the follow-up to Zonoscope, we'll listen to this catchy song about the wind from one of our favorite electronic bands:

"Natural Disaster" by Andrew Bird
His voice! This man can do no wrong:

"Have You Ever Seen The Rain?" covered by the Ramones
We wonder what Creedence thought of this version...

"Sandy" by Caribou:
Sleigh bells, dreamy vocals, a ridiculous amount of instruments, and a drum beat that holds it all together:

"Black Sheets of Rain" by Bob Mould
The former Hüsker Dü frontman is having a great year, music-wise, but we can't help but love his old stuff on a day like today. See him perform a song from Silver Age on Conan tonight and catch him on tour this fall and next spring.

“Dry the Rain” by The Beta Band
If when you think of The Beta Band you can only conjure up John Cusack's cooler-than-thou record store owner spiel in High Fidelity, we say... give them another try.

"Pierce The Morning Rain" by Dinosaur Jr.
Fuzz rock royalty returns with a paean from their newly released album.

"Stormy Weather" by The Kooks
We know it's fun to hate on the Kooks (we're looking at you, Simon Amstell), but this song holds up against Sandy's high winds.

“Hurricane Drunk” by Florence + the Machine
Oh, Florence. You got it absolutely right: "I'm in the grip of a hurricane..."

"Genesis" by Grimes
East Coasters: Just imagine you're rocking out with a band of L.A. goth girls wielding swords and dancing on a warm beach... Now you're ready for to listen to the song.

"After The Storm" by Mumford & Sons
What better way to get through the day then to listen to Marcus Mumford's beautifully sad voice soar over this simple, perfect melody?

"The Rain" by Calvin Harris
If you've been able to avoid work and can spend the day watching movies and zoning out, then this is for you.

"Storm Coming" by Gnarls Barkley
Cee Lo is going to tell you the real story about the storm if you're ready to listen:

"Every Man For Himself" by Big Black
When it gets absolutely Hobbesian, you have to make sure you keep your dream about swimming in Australia alive:

And a bonus track, because we had to include it somehow:
"Here Comes The Rain Again" by The Eurythmics

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