Los Angeles Story Of The Decade: Submit Your Nominations (PHOTOS)

Los Angeles Story Of The Decade: Submit Your Nominations

The past decade (2001- 2010) has been defined by Los Angeles news stories that have jolted us, for better or worse, into the 21st century.

In honor of the new year, we're asking HuffPost readers, what was the most important Los Angeles news story of the first ten years of the 21st century? Please submit your nominations below, or tweet them using the hashtag #storyofthedecade or email them to submissions@huffingtonpost.com.

We will soon post the most nominated entries, and then you can vote on the story of the decade.

What's the Los Angeles Story Of The Decade?
Proposition 8(01 of04)
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The passage of ballot initiative Prop 8 in 2008 amended California's constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman. The amendment galvanized same-sex marriage activists and has since been challenged in court by unlikely legal team Ted Olsen and David Boies. Currently the case is being heard at the California federal appeals court. (WSJ) (credit:Getty)
Schwarzenegger elected after Davis recall(02 of04)
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Governor Gray Davis was recalled by a special voter election in 2003, less than a year after the state had re-elected him to his position. Davis is the first California governor to be recalled. The list of candidates vying to replace Davis was long and unusually varied, but action star Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to replace him. Schwarzenegger is finishing up the end of his second term. (credit:Getty)
California budget crisis reaches 28 Billion(03 of04)
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Just this month, Governor Jerry Brown warned that California's budget crisis may widen to a $28.1 billion deficit over the next 18 months. Bloomberg quotes Controller John Chiang on the issue: "I don’t want to say it, but this could mean IOUs and more tax-refund deferrals." (credit:Getty)
Conan/Leno battle(04 of04)
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The plan was for Jay Leno to gracefully concede his spot as host of "The Tonight Show" to Conan O'Brien in 2009, but Leno wasn't ready to go. At the top of his career and as the undisputed winner of the ratings race, Leno pushed for his own show at 10pm while O'Brien hosted "The Tonight Show" to what was now a diminished audience size. In the end, Leno was restored as host while Conan just debuted his own show on TBS. (TBS) (credit:Getty)

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