Amir Fallah's Still Lifes Electrify Frey Norris Gallery

Amir Fallah's Last Sunset
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Amir Fallah's works look as if someone took traditional painting and plugged it into a socket.

His hyper-saturated canvases are so jarring because they riff off of tradition, jazzing up vanitas vases with a dash of neon and ascetic prints with an aesthetic overload.

The results are sharp and psychedelic, pledging their allegiance to art history without taking it too seriously. They offer a means of meditation for the modern ADD brain, somewhere between a zen garden and a drive down the Las Vegas strip.

The External Minimalist Covered By His Internal Expressionist

The Last Sunset

The First Sunrise

Fallah's works are showing at Frey Norris Gallery in San Francisco along with Lionel Bawden, Chitra Ganesh, and Dana Harel until February 25. Visit his blog Beautiful Decay for more inspiration.