By My Troth, I Believe: Faith Shorts Finalist

Nepal celebrates a diverse population in terms of religion and ethnicity. And, amongst our differences we celebrate oneness, the grandeur of diverse culture, language, and faith.
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Editor's note: Earlier this year, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation announced the Faith Shorts Film Competition asking young people of all nationalities between the ages of 14 and 27 to submit short films on how faith inspires them. Eleven entries have made the final round in 14-17 and 18-27 age categories combined. The two winning entries will be announced on Nov. 26 and starting the 15th Nov. HuffPost Religion is sharing one film each day, until the day the winning films are announced. Enjoy!

The film follows four young Nepalis, belonging to various cultural and religious backgrounds, who inspire change. The common thread among them is that draw their fuel from faith. Faith in their country. Faith in their people. Faith in themselves.

Nepal celebrates a diverse population in terms of religion and ethnicity. We worship Ram, pray to Buddha, light candles at church altars and bow to Allah. And, amongst our differences we celebrate oneness, the grandeur of diverse culture, language, and faith.

I was elated to be shortlisted in the competition as this is the first time a film from Nepal has been shortlisted in the history of the Faith Shorts competition. I think this is a great platform for amateur film makers to express their ideas and inspiration that they draw from their faith. I hope to see more and more aspiring Nepali film makers taking part in this competition."