Nine Ass Kissing Moments with Chris Matthews

These nine moments of revolting fawning over Republicans all came in one interview. As apparently did Chris Matthews.
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These nine moments of revolting fawning over Republicans didn't come over a period of years or months. They all came in one interview. As apparently did Chris Matthews.

Matthews was "interviewing" the new House Majority Leader, John "Tobacco Checks" Boehner. It was more canoodling than interviewing. Not only did Matthews give one softball after another and gush obsequiously over Boehner, but he also set up every talking point for his guest.

I was given to understand that you're supposed to challenge your guest, not hold him gently in your bosom. In this new Brokeback style of interview though, Chris Matthews does give new meaning to the word, "Hardball."

Here's a clip of Matthews with Boehner and our Young Turks analysis during and after the so-called interview:

He talks about how "great" Boehner is at least twice and calls Hillary Clinton a socialist at least three times. This is an interview? It looks like a seminar on Republican talking points. Why is it okay for Matthews to ask if Hillary is a socialist when asking if a Republican is a fascist would probably get you fired?

Imagine if Matthews asked repeatedly whether Dick Cheney was a fascist. Then he asked whether Cheney's biggest problem was that he was a man, a conservative or that he was in the Bush White House for six years. The double standard for how these conservative talk show hosts frame Democrats and Republicans is astounding.

Have you ever seen Chris Matthews refer glowingly to the "greatness" of any Democrat? Imagine if he had Howard Dean on and told him he was proud of him for taking on the role of Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and that he was great for doing so. Inconceivable.

Meanwhile, look at how he gushes over President Bush here, here and here. And John McCain. And Tom DeLay. Chris Matthews hasn't met a Republican he didn't want to fondle. On the other hand, you can't show one glowing interview with a Democrat over the same period of time.

But my favorite part of this exhibition of man on man love was the parting line: "We'll be right back with House Majority Leader John Boehner. You can see this man's greatness." Are you kidding me? Who says something that uncomfortably ingratiating? This puts the sick in sycophant.

If someone tried to kiss my ass that hard, I'd be concerned for his sanity and for my butt. But hey, if ands and buts were candy and Republican nuts, every day would be Christmas for Chris Matthews.

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