'Sh*t Latinos Don't Say' (VIDEO)

WATCH: 'Sh*t Latinos Don't Say'

Wow, another one.

But this isn't your typical "sh*t" video. OH NO! After dealing with white girls, abuelas and Spanish girls, it was only a matter of time before the whole "sh*t" thing was turned inside out.

This is "sh*t" Latinos don't say, brought to you by Being Latino.

Do you know of any Latinos who would say any of these things?

With the proliferation of these types of videos, we have to wonder, what's next? "Sh*t" dinosaurs say to babies, "sh*t" American Samoans say on Fridays, or "sh*t" Lord Byron says to Tina Turner?

What do you think? Amusing? Overdone? Tell us your thoughts below.