Two Updates

Two Updates
This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.

Two updates:

First, thanks to the folks at Public Opinion Quarterly and Oxford University Press who graciously opened up links to non-subscribers on four articles I cited last week on the use of internal polling by presidents since Kennedy:

All of the links above should now be free and accessible to non-subscribers (the first three files are in PDF format). Please email us if you have any trouble downloading or accessing these files.

Second, having briefly misidentified the work of webcomic xkcd, by artist Randall Munroe in my "Outliers" post on Friday (thanks to reader Jed for the quick clarification), I thought I'd repeat the correction here for regular readers, along with another example from November that hits even closer to home (found by our colleague Charles Franklin):

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