Will Obama Walk the Talk?

Will Obama Walk the Talk?
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Adoration from the gay community (and much of the media) has never been a problem for President Obama, but it is proving to be problematic in the quest for full equality for gay and lesbian Americans. When the president was pushed by Vice President Biden's public remarks on marriage equality to finally "evolve" on the issue, it seemed to generate a type of group genuflection within the gay community (and much of the media) who loudly and proudly sang the president's praises while seeming to ignore what his full statement was actually saying. Newsweek even depicted the president as some type of gay messiah on the cover of their magazine! The president's opinion about "states' rights" to ban gay marriages didn't appear to garner that much attention. So he supports marriage equality but also supports a states' right to ban marriage equality? How does that work? And what does that even mean?

Does it mean the president supports full equality for gay people or not? Are his words just symbolic or are they substantial? If the president truly supports marriage equality then will he support the inclusion of marriage equality as part of the official Democratic Party Platform? If the president supports full equality for gay people then will he now reverse himself and sign the "ENDA" executive order to ensure equality in the workplace for millions of gay Americans? Will President Obama's words of support lead to some true fierce advocacy and real "Change" or is it just playing politics before an election to help garner gay votes? And should we in the gay community continue to shower the president with such unchecked adoration when none of us seem to know the answer to any of these questions?